Project Overview
Description: Clumsy Honey is a sustainable honey brand curated and sourced by Elizabeth Schultz, a beekeeper, located in California.
My Role: Brand Design, Visual Design
Tools: Pen/Paper, Figma, Procreate, Photoshop, Illustrator
Timeline: October 2022
Inspiration Sourcing
In an initial meeting, I met with the client to talk about the inspiration for her brand and see what she had envisioned for her company’s visual footprint. With some inspiration in mind, I created the following mood board that represented imagery the client liked.
The key focuses here were organic line work, hand-drawn lettering or imagery, and bright colors that complements the brand purpose.
The key focuses here were organic line work, hand-drawn lettering or imagery, and bright colors that complements the brand purpose.

Logo Exploration
In my initial explorations, I wanted to focus on three things: font potential, hand-lettering, and the foundational
introduction of color. The client pushed toward bright colors initially, so that's where my journey started.
introduction of color. The client pushed toward bright colors initially, so that's where my journey started.

After pitching the above ideas, the client decided she wanted to move forward with a more orange/yellow palette to reflect the honey's color. Schultz also liked the off-centered, whimsical, and hand-lettered artifacts - which is what became the final product. We agreed the hand-drawn feel gives the brand personalization and care, which is exactly what Schultz offers her customers with her business