Give A Little Love & Give A Little More Love

NBC Entertainment CSR Event 2019 | Give A Little Love

NBC Entertainment CSR Event 2020 | Give A Little More Love
Client: NBC Entertainment
Role: Logo Design
Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Procreate, Adobe Photoshop
Project Details: My initial assignment was to create a logo for the corporate social responsibility (CSR) event that NBC Entertainment HR was helping to put on for all their employees located on the Universal City Campus. The event took place in February 2019, which is why the program was named considering Valentine's Day. This was logo was used in all communication and printed materials surrounding the event. In February 2020, NBC had a follow-up event, where I was asked to design another logo similar to the first one I had created.
Birthday Cards

Client: NBC Entertainment
Role: Designer, Illustrator, Concept
Tools: Procreate, Adobe Illustrator
Project Details: For years, NBC Entertainment HR has sent birthday cards to all of the clients in their group. Every card is signed by members of the HR team and delivered during the respective birthday months. The cards the team was using were generic and something that one would buy in bulk. In order to personalize this service even more, I began illustrating minimal, yet fun cards that were more modern while still appealing to the large employee population base. These were the three designs chosen.
In Development

Client: NBC Entertainment
Role: Logo Designer, Created Corporate Presentation & Survey, Data Analysis
Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
Project Details: NBC Entertainment HR launched a pilot learning and development program in 2019 for Senior Managers, Directors, and some Vice Presidents to focus on developing and implementing certain skills in the workplace. I collaborated with the lead HR Generalist assigned to this program and the speakers to design a logo, create an engaging presentation, and accompanying survey for attendees to share their feedback afterward. The information gathered from the survey, along with the overall reaction in the room was applied and considered so that future iterations would be as successful as possible.
Additional NBC Entertainment Projects

Client: NBC Entertainment
Role: Varied (Designer, Informative Newsletter Creation, Invitations)
Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Outlook)
Project Details (from Left to Right):
Left: NBC Entertainment had an employee event in August 2018 for all full-time employees based in Universal City. I created this invitation that was sent to over 300+ people.
Center: NBC Entertainment held an informative panel prior to the 2018 Midterm Elections. I suggested to my HR team that we should send a follow-up email to help make sure everyone had the proper information that was spoken about at the event. As a result, I crafted this guide with step-by-step instructions on how to get involved accompanied by helpful links and resources.
Right: The company held a LA employee event at The Hollywood Bowl. I was tasked with designing the invitation to be send to 300+ individuals. The key deliverables were to make sure the design visually emphasized that it was happening at The Hollywood Bowl and had the appropriate event/RSVP information.
Business Cards

Client: The EyeSite, An Optometric Group
Role: Designer
Tools: Adobe Photoshop
Project Details: I was responsible for the complete redesign of the company's business cards for all applicable staff members. The previous design was extremely dated and didn't have all pertinent information. My main goal with this project was to create a minimal design where all contact and location information was visible and prominent. The client wanted to limit color so I decided to move forward with this graphic shape in black and white and a standard san-serif font to enhance simplicity and readability.